Abstract Figurative Artist

“Your artwork in person looks even more DASHING than I anticipated! I'm blown away. Even my husband said it's so freaking gorgeous.”
Anna Zubarev

“Hey Tara just to say thank you. I received your print earlier this week and it's amazing can't wait to get it framed and up on the wall”
Rob Myers
About Me
Painting semi abstract: faces, animals and urban landscapes is my passion.
When I was about five years old I dreamt of being a famous artist. Pursuing my passion I went to art college and I loved my first year. With the realisation that I didn’t have a booty like Beyonce, I abandoned thoughts of fame and went on to become a graphic designer. But like an itchy jumper your nan knitted, it never quite fit.
After 25 years of creating digitally, I lost my passion for creating by hand and I thought it had gone forever. But then this happened…
I started a podcast to learn about other people’s creativity and hit it off with Sandra Busby, an artist I interviewed. We started setting each other creative challenges. One of those challenges was to test if “alcohol makes you more creative”. Under highly non-scientific conditions, we set each other three creative tasks:
1. to write a poem
2. to come up with advert ideas
3. to draw a wine bottle.
The tasks were to be done twice, once completely sober and again after 3 units of alcohol. I remember trying to draw and shade the bottle in pencil. It felt so odd. Where the hell was the damn undo button! But, it also felt good. On a side note, I’m also not convinced my alien lipstick advert would have been a big seller.
From that moment I began to draw by hand again…
It wasn’t great at first, it felt weird. However, I realised that not having an undo button meant that quirks and happy accidents breathed life into art.
Knowing the power that creative challenges held for us, Sandra and I created a website and Podcast called Kick in the Creatives. We aim to encourage others to be creative by taking part in creative challenges. We have been amazed by how much people say it has helped them mentally, far beyond what we had ever imagined.
It’s helped me too. You can’t encourage other people to create without creating more yourself
My passion for creating abstract faces grew and developed into the art style I have today.
One last thing… I’m a big scaredy-cat. Would I bungee? No. Would I skydive? No. But when I create, I can be an adrenaline junkie in the safety of my art room.
NFT art displayed at NFT. NYC (New York)
NFT art exhibited at SOHO Technique an event in New York
NFT art exhibited at Arcade Apes London
Exhibited at Corby Rooftop Gallery Summer Exhibition 2023
Exhibited at Lamport Hall Spring Exhibition 2024
Speaker at Adobe Max Creativity Conference 2021
I have co-written two articles for Leisure Painter Magazine
Co-founder of Kick in the Creatives Podcast and Challenge Website
Tara Roskell Art Collections
Total Contrast - Originals
A selection of original paintings of moody atmospheric semi-abstract faces. These pieces...
Words that Hurt - Originals
This abstract portrait series explores the power of positivity as it covers...
Dreamscapes - Original Paintings
This collection incorporates positive words into the artwork, creating pieces that are...